I was born in Montana, and grew upĀ for a time on a farm. Later, my father served as a missionary in a countryside village in Honduras. We lived among the people, not in a separate mission compound as was common for many other missionaries. Though I struggled at first, I grew to love it, and would not change my experience for anything else.
In college, I studied computer science, a longtime passion of mine since my uncle bought an IBM PCjr in the mid 1980s. This became a great career for me for the last 20+ years. I still enjoy programming and tinkering around with servers and software.
Having come directly from Honduras directly to college, I naturally fell in with the international students with whom I could relate often better than my “own people,” the American students. It took a while, but I did come to appreciate the American mindset and experience as well as the international perspective I was blessed to receive from my life in Honduras and my friends from all over the world.
After college, I married my Korean sweetheart, Gloria, and we moved to Texas for her to pursue a graduate ministry degree. In Texas, we quickly became part of the Korean-American community and participated in several Korean-American churches where she served, then later in a couple of American churches and one Hispanic church. All three of our wonderful Korean-Texan children were born during our 16 years there.
For all that time, I gladly supported my wife in her ministry work. However, in my 20s, my own spiritual life grew somewhat cold and abstract, though I never stopped believing. In my early- to mid-30s, God graciously woke up my heart with new hope, and then gave me a real experience of His Love. It is hard to explain other than to say that I went from just believing in God’s love as a principle or ideal, to a firm conviction and experience of God’s personal and real love for me as I am. It transformed my life! Since then, I feel called to love and serve God and others (who God loves just as much), and in 2020, finally made the decision to stop work in software and focus on serving. That is where I am today!
This blog
There isn’t any one particular theme for this blog yet. At the moment, I plan for it to be an eclectic collection of thoughts as I am able to write them down. Some will be spiritual, and I hope some of them will speak to you where you are. Others may cover practical, technical, or relational topics. I hope to show with this that a God-honoring lifestyle affects and involves every aspect of life.